The Healing Power of Camp on August 20, 2018 #tlgcs Camp Luther Camping Church Camp Creation ELCA God's Creation Healing LOMO Lutheran Lutheran Camps Nature Ohio Renewal Rest Summer Camps Vacation +
"You're a real jerk on Facebook" on July 03, 2018 #chsocm #elca anger Church leadership Facebook fake Lutheran Matthew 15:11-20 Sin social media social media etiquette +
"Illegals" And The Immigration Debate That Breaks My Heart. on June 21, 2018 Asylum border Bush Christianity Clinton Democrat ELCA Immigrants immigration Kingdom of God LIRS Lutheran Migrants Obama Religion Republican scapegoating St. John Texas Trump +
Dear Church, We Gotta Talk: God, Memes and Terrible Theology on February 16, 2018 #chsocm #elca #floridashooting #memes #Lutheran #theology #guns #schoolviolence #God #bible #tlgcs +