I warn you this will be a long post, it will mostly be pictures. I had hoped to blog everyday but unfortunately the internet connections were overloaded with 30,000 other people trying to post, Tweet, Instagram and blog. So here is a summary of the last 4 days of the Gathering.
On Thursday we participated in our Proclaim Justice Day. 10,000 people went out into Detroit and served to hopefully improve Detroit and learn more about this wonderful City. While we waited to get on our buses, our kids made friends and met more Lutherans in Hart Plaza.

At the end, our group helped to transform two houses and a couple empty lots as well. We worked with Mr. Andrews and Blackwood Block Rot Prevention. A neighborhood group that works to fix up homes to be sold and bought by locals. It was a great day of work, learning and connection with the less privileged side of Detroit.
On Friday, we had our Proclaim Story Day with our Synod. We had a morning to explore and rode the people mover around town before heading up to the Mason's Temple for our Synod meeting.
While at the Temple, we went two stories down to an afternoon of sharing Faith stories, Worship and Communion.
After the Synod Day we got dinner and did our Final 15 devotions. Each evening we took time to pray, read some scripture and review the day. This day we were prayed for by a Detroit resident who was very grateful for our work in the city. You can just seeing him riding up on the left hand side of the next picture.
On the last full day of our trip. We had Proclaim Community Day where we had a chance to learn about today's issues, our church's ministry's, do service projects for Detroit and just have some fun. Also part of our group took some time to tour more of Detroit itself.
One of the other good parts of these gathering is a chance for both Youth and Adults to meet friends from Facebook in Real Life or to connect with other people from around the country. It can be like a reunion for leaders and volunteers. I took a number of selfies with friends. We also got to meet some great artist like AGAPE (in blue below) and Lost and Found.
After a great closing Gathering featuring excellent speakers and Skillet playing a set, it was time to head home. This time, it was much easier getting through check-in and security and we headed back to Bellville. Tired but better for the trip, experiences and blessing we were given.
On Thursday we participated in our Proclaim Justice Day. 10,000 people went out into Detroit and served to hopefully improve Detroit and learn more about this wonderful City. While we waited to get on our buses, our kids made friends and met more Lutherans in Hart Plaza.
We then headed out to clean up abandoned homes. What is interesting is that these homes have owners but in a number of cases they are out of town investors who use the homes as write-offs and have not incentive to sell them. They then auction them and homes often go for as little as $500-$1,000 total. We helped removed bushes, trees, garbage, debris and...well see the pics below.
At the end, our group helped to transform two houses and a couple empty lots as well. We worked with Mr. Andrews and Blackwood Block Rot Prevention. A neighborhood group that works to fix up homes to be sold and bought by locals. It was a great day of work, learning and connection with the less privileged side of Detroit.
On Friday, we had our Proclaim Story Day with our Synod. We had a morning to explore and rode the people mover around town before heading up to the Mason's Temple for our Synod meeting.
While at the Temple, we went two stories down to an afternoon of sharing Faith stories, Worship and Communion.
After the Synod Day we got dinner and did our Final 15 devotions. Each evening we took time to pray, read some scripture and review the day. This day we were prayed for by a Detroit resident who was very grateful for our work in the city. You can just seeing him riding up on the left hand side of the next picture.
On the last full day of our trip. We had Proclaim Community Day where we had a chance to learn about today's issues, our church's ministry's, do service projects for Detroit and just have some fun. Also part of our group took some time to tour more of Detroit itself.
One of the other good parts of these gathering is a chance for both Youth and Adults to meet friends from Facebook in Real Life or to connect with other people from around the country. It can be like a reunion for leaders and volunteers. I took a number of selfies with friends. We also got to meet some great artist like AGAPE (in blue below) and Lost and Found.
After a great closing Gathering featuring excellent speakers and Skillet playing a set, it was time to head home. This time, it was much easier getting through check-in and security and we headed back to Bellville. Tired but better for the trip, experiences and blessing we were given.
Whether you go to St. John or another ELCA church. I encourage you to connect with your own Youth and ask them about their experiences. Ask them about the service projects, speakers, music, games, friends they made, and all the rest. Their personal testimony is worth 5 pastor's blogs and worth your time to hear.
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