Blogs are mostly self-serving things. Not that bloggers are all selfish, but 99% of the time, I blog MY thoughts on MY favorite topics. This is fine because, well, it's my blog. Sometimes though, it's good to use a blog to point towards the work and creativity of others. To let it be a sounding board for something that you have nothing to do with. So that's what I'll be doing in Advent. There is a great Advent Devotional Project put together by Lutheran pastors across the US and Canada. So from Dec.1st- Dec. 25th. I will be sharing their work for anyone to use as a daily devotional throughout the season. The devotionals are well written, relevant and concise. So take a few minutes for devotion and prayer and discover some really great #LutheranCreatives. I wrote exactly none of these entries and take no credit, but credit will be given to the authors of each day's devotion. Many thanks to Pastor Scott Morey who coordinated this project again this year. So come back tomorrow for the first devotion.
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